Our Services
PlantAsian provides efficient and cost effective Management and Supervisory services for the successful establishment and operation of Agricultural/Forestry related projects.
PlantAsian will continously conduct market research for locally and globally important crops (i.e. heart of palm, avocado, forestry crops, new rubber-clones which have shorter gestation periods, energy crops-clone bamboo) that could be developed through partnerships with local and foreign allies.
Specific Services Include:
- Suitable land identification, negotiation and acquisition or leasing
- Secondary and Primary Research for new innovative product introduction and development and/or expansion of existing crops yields
- Identification of funding sources and/or joint venture partners
- Production/Labor arrangements whether through small holder/cooperative or plantation set-up
- General Management and Administration of Infrastructure/Logistics support including farm to market roads, irrigation, nursery establishment and crop maintenance, harvesting/processing facilities
- Value chain integration from extension/training, input supply to processing and marketing off-take agreements or development of niche market chains and marketing outlets for organic foods.
- Green (BioMass/BioFuel/Wind and Hydro Power) Project generation