PlantAsian Conducted Various Market Research

In 2011, PlantAsian conducted various market research on agro-forestry crops, livestock and fisheries that are identified as economically feasible development in Region X12 (SOCSKSARGEN). This covers the following:

  • Potential economic enterprises that could generate cash flow in three categories: cash crops (within 12months), mid-term crops (within 2 years) and long term crops (beyond 4 years).
  • Identification of agricultural, aquaculture and livestock products to supply market demand for local, regional, and international markets for these products.
  • Identification of potential partners that could be instrumental in assisting with technical and commercial evaluations, financial capital and development of markets for off take agreements, sale and distribution of products.
  • PlantAsian will continuously conduct market research for locally and globally important crops (i.e. hearth of palm, avocado, new rubber-clones which have shorter gestation periods, forestry crops – clone-teak, energy crops – clone bamboo) that could be developed through partnership with local and foreign allies.